The church forest

par Philippe  -  10 Avril 2017, 07:48

The church forest

Documentary, directed by : Peter Buntaine, Greg Vander Veer, produced by : Peter Buntaine, Judd Ehrlich (executive), Greg Vander Veer, film editing by : Elisa Do Prato, sound department : John Bosch, camera and electrical department : Peter Buntaine, Greg Vander Veer, (2017).


The "Church forest" movie offers a landscape of the Ethiopian landscapes including arid areas but also small and verdant forests among themselves we can find some churches. Inside of them live some casts of devout monks and eccentric scientists like keepers of these forests. Personal stories, religious scriptures and scientific hypotheses are connected together for creating a unique link between the men and the nature.

Ethiopian landscapes
Ethiopian landscapes
Ethiopian landscapes

Ethiopian landscapes

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