She - Bam Pow POP Wizz ! The POP Amazones

par Philippe  -  7 Octobre 2020, 10:01

She - Bam Pow POP Wizz ! The POP Amazones

Exhibition at the Nice MAMAC from October 3 2020 to March 28 2021, Yves Klein square, 06364 Nice Cedex 4, daily open (11am - 6pm) except Mondays, phone :, ticket full price : 10€.


At the beginning of the 1960's some problems move deeply the world : the confrontation between the communist world and the non communist world, imperialists war like Viet Nam war and rampant consumerism of new things involved by technical progress. Answering of these challenges comes from Europe and North America inside a counter - culture. "She - Bam Pow POP Wizz ! the POP Amazones" underlines the part playing by women. The paper heroïne invented by cartoonists (Barbarella, Jodelle, ...) or Pop artists (Evelyne AXELLE, Niki de Saint - Phalle, ...) catch the women stereotypes twisting it for giving a new women part in society. At this time the purpose of middle class women is to stay passive and buying. These new heroïnes reject this kind of speech based on a joking woman vulnerability for building sensual, provoking and sexual characters. These new heroïnes use all a humor full of rage following the goal to create an utopian society with new norms. But they stay all lucid knowing that this utopian movement will end in 1973 with the economic crisis.

Evelyne AXELLE "Ice cream" (1964)

Evelyne AXELLE "Ice cream" (1964)

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