Jean Dubuffet - Witold Gombrowicz correspondence
Exposition Château Villeneuve / Fondation Emile Hugues, 2 place du Frêne, 06140 Vence, open thuersday until sunday, 20th december until 30th marz, entrance : 8 €, students and groups of 10 persons : 6 €, tél.
Born the 31st of july 1901 Jean Dubuffet was a painter and a collector who has theorized the Art brut. When he was a young man he has begun to compose is own collection of Art brut. His collection comes from differents origins like prisoners, sequestreted, mystics, mad men and anarchists. The expositions organized by the doctors Hanz Prinzhorn from Heidelberg in 1922 and Morgenthaler from Bern have decided him to create a theory. The both doctors worked in an asylum for mad men and the have collected many art works drawn by the patients. In 1923 during his military service he discovers the art work of Clémentine Ricoche who draws the clouds.
In september 1945 he writes a book called "Fascicule of Art brut". This book will be reprint in 1979 by the Gallimard editions and constitue the first step of his theory. He explains that the Art brut is something very spontaneous. The 20th of october 1945 the gallery Drouin organize an exposition with many Art brut pieces. This exposition provokes a real scandal. The art critics don't accept to see art work realise by marginated persons. The art critics rejections incitate him to write a second book called "Asphyxiante culture" where he says that the classifications opereted by the official culture is a non sense. In 1949 he exposes himself is own collection and writes a third book like a conclusion of his theory called "L'Art brut préféré aux arts culturels".
Jean Dubuffet sets up house in the south of France in january 1955 because his wife was sick. As soon as he arrives in his new house he begins to work in two directions. First he invents the "Texturologie" (small draws painted with oil and composed by many lines) and "Matériologie" (art work realise with materials more sophisticated). These art works will be exposed at the Musée des Arts décoratifs of Paris in 1961. At this time he becomes to develop friendly relationships with the journalist Philip Dereux, the art trademan Daniel Cordier and the galerist Alphonse Chave. He meets also the famous writer born in Poland Witold Gombrowicz because they have a friend in common the french publisher Maurice Nadeau.
Born in 1904 and die in Vence (France) in 1969 Witold Gombrowicz was a writer. His influence on all of the eastern european writers like Milan Kundera is very important. He has developed his own style of writing in "Ferdydurke" published in 1937. Witold Gombrowicz analyses deeply the psychology of his personages and speaks with lightness and provocation about the problems of the polish society in the middle of the twentieth century. Before the invasion of Poland by the nazis troups in 1940 he goes to Argentina and stays in this country until 1964. He recieves the International price of literary of 1967 for his book "Cosmos". But he never succeed to recieve the Nobel price in 1968 (The winner was the japanese Yasuneri Kawabata).
After this failure Witold Gombrowicz begins to exhange a correspondence with Jean Dubuffet. The reading of theirs letters show that they have a same thought. They hate the habits. But this exhange is like a fight too. The director of the exposition Zia Mirobdalbaghi says that it's like a boxe fighting because the both like the controversy in art for Dubuffet and in writting for Gombrowicz. They broach all the topics and critize hardly the official culture. The exhange will be stoped by the Witold Gombrowicz's death the 24th of july 1969.
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