Band of angels
Film directed by : Raoul Walsh, writing credit : Robert Warren Penn (novel "Band of Angels"), John Twist, Ivan Goff, Ben Roberts, cast : Clark Gable, Yvonne de Carlo, Sidney Poitier, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Yvan Peers, Rex reason, Patric Knowles, Torin Tatcher, ..., music by : Max Steiner, cinematography by : Lucien Ballard, film editing by : Falmer Blangsted, art direction by : Franz Bachelin, set decoration by : William Wallace, cosutme design by : Margerie Best, makeup department : Gordon Bau, second unit director : Al Alleborn, Russell Saunders, sound department : Eugene Marks, Georges Reid, Francis E. Stahl, Finn Ulback, stunts : Fred Carson, Charles Horvath, Bob Morgan, costume and wardrobe department : Joan Joseff, music department : Murray Cutter, Jester Harrisson, other crew : Lewis Smith.
"Band of angels" is a movie shooted by Raoul Walsh in 1957. It is the sreen adaptation of a Robert Penn Warren novel. Writer, poet and litterary critic he has already recieved a great success with "All the kingsmen" who has won the Pulitzer price and an award too. But the topic of this film is more heretical. It speaks about the slavery of the blacks american before the american civil war and shows also a constant erotic feeling between the protagonists. All the men desire the same girl whose name is Amanda. Certains take advantage of her social and racial condition for abusing her. The others have respect for her and want to give her a happy new life.
After the death of her father Amanda a mixed race girl discovers that she is borned from the love between the white owner of a plantation and a black woman who is slave in this plantation. She falls into the hands of the affairist Calloway who wants to abuse her but she doesn't accept. Calloway wants to punish Amanda but he sees that she is cute and cultured. He decides to sell her in the New - Orleans slave market. During the selling bad guys inspect each parts of Amanda's body without any dignity. A white businessman Amish Bond decides to save her from that guys. He offers many money for buying her.
In the Amish Bond's house she recieves another treatment. Bond respects Amanda and gives her a normal life. Seduced by Bond Amanda becomes to be her girlfriend. Amish Bond introduces Amanda to the others slaves who work in the plantation like the young Rouru. Bond considers him as is own son but in spite of the Bond kindless Rouru never forgetts his social status.
The american civil war begins and force all the protagonists to choose their own camp. Amish proposes to Amanda to give her freedom but she refuses and she prefers to stay with him. The nordist troups take the New - Orleans and force Amish and Amanda to go away. The booth succeed to escape with the help of Rouru who belongs now to the nordist army.
When the film comes ou in 1957 it wasn't a great success for Raoul Walsh and Clark Gable. The film critics tried to compare "Band of angels" with "Gone with the wind" but they don't or don't want to understand that "Band of angels" is the complete opposite of "Gone with the wind". After the exit of the film Clark Gable says "If the old men with their old teeth aren't agree with the film it isn't my problem" and he prefered to play in more dark characters until his death in december 1960 after the shooting of "The Misfists".
Selma -
Biopic, Drama, directed by : Ava DuVernay, written credits (written by) : Paul Webb, cast (in credits order) : David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Jim France, Trinity Simone, Nikeria Howard, Jordan ...