Big Eyes

par Philippe  -  9 Juin 2015, 06:14

Biopic, directed by : Tim Burton, writing credits : Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski (written by), cast (in credits order) : Amy Adams, Christoph Waltz, Danny Huston, Krystin Ritter, Jason Schwartzman, Terence Stamp, Joan Polito, Delanay Raye, Madeleine Atwood, James Saito, ..., produced by : Scott Alexander, Tim Burton (producers), Tommy Harper (consulting producer), Lynette Hawell, Larry Karasweski, Brandon Ferguson (line producers), Katterli Frauenfelder, Derek Frey, Jamie Patricol, Bob and Harvey Weinstein (executive producers), music by : Danny Elfman, cinematography by : Bruno Delbonnel, film editing by : JC Bond, casting by : Nicole Abellero, Heike Brandstitter, Caron Margs, Jeanne McCarthy, production design by : Rick Heinrichs, art direction : Chris August, art decoration by : John Micheletor, Shane Vieau, costume design by : Colleen Atwood, makeup department : Victori Dawn, production managemnt : Brendon Ferguson, second unit director : Katterli Frauenfeld (first assistant director), Kerian Behrenz (third assistant director), art department : Alvin S Cabrinha Jr (property master), Lisa Godwin (painter), Katy Moore - Kazachik (painter), sound department : Oliver Tarney (supervising sound editor), special effects by : Sean Houre, John The Curpic, visual affects by : Kanton Ronnie (supervisor), Nicole Gorripa, Jennifer Grossman (cosutme supervisor), editorial department : Peter Doyle, music department : Peter Clarke (music editor), transportation department : Blue Angus (coordinators), other crew : Susan Lambic (script supervisor), Nicole Oguati (production supervisor), Conception Souada (production coordinator), Andrea Smith (logistics coordinator), Adam M Stone, Cat Stone (product placement coordinators).

"Big Eyes" speaks about the Keane's couple who hes dominated the art maket during the sixties. The director Tim Burton is fascinated by marginals and is also influenced by the art work of Margareth is his film making. he has confided the screenplay to two specialists of the biopic: Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski. The both have already written about the stories of Andy Kaufman, Larry Flint and Bob Crane.

Everything begins in 1958 when Margareth Keane arrives in San Francisco with her daughter Jane. She never succeeds to find a job but she has a real talent for making portraits. She starts to paint portraits in the streets. She meets Walter during her art work. Walter works in the real estate business and he is attracted by Margareth's personnality. For showing that he knows art he says to her that is already gone and has studied art in Paris. But it isn't true.

Walter is fascinated by Margareth's style. She paints young girls who looks like her daughter Jane but their sad eyes are out of proportion of their body. For performing Margareth the actress Amy Adams has the way of painting of Margareth Keane. Margareth is also fascinated by Walter because she thinks that he has a great charm and the sens of reality. For performing Walter the actor Christoph Waltz has only concentrated himself on the screen.

Walter wants to expose Margareth's painting in the most well known art galleries in the United States but he never succeeds because the owners of these galleries like only modern art. Finally the director of a night club Enrico Banducci accepts to expose the paintings but near the toilets. Walter refuses and provokes a fight with Banducci.

Walter Keane is making a painting

Walter Keane is making a painting

This accident has attracted the attention of a journalist and Walter remarks that the public is also attracted by paintings signed "Keane". He decides to appropriate himself the Margareth's art work because she is submissive and shy. In the beginning Margareth accepts. She loves Walter and they recieve many money from the sailing of the paintings.

But Margareth becomes a member of the Witnesses of Jehovah and the lie is something forbidden in this movement. So she tells the truth and the reputation of Walter falls down. After that they have divorced. In 1986 Margareth has instituted a proceedings against Walter about the intellectual property of the paintings. She succeeds to ptove that Walter wasn't the painter. Now she admitts that Walter has given a great help to her for being well known.

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