The echappée vive, cinematographic creation

par Philippe  -  30 Juin 2015, 08:37

The echappée vive, cinematographic creation

A creation of cinematography by Catherine Libert and Marie Losier, Villa Arson, Galerie Carrée, open all the week except thursday, screening all the time, to 2pm until 6pm in june and to 2pm until 7pm in july and august, 28 min 51 s, 20 Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06105 Nice, France. The screenings are opened the 12th june until the 31st august and the entrance is free.

During the expositions about the Promenade des Anglais in Nice the Villa Arson have asked to the director Marie Losier who has followed her studies in that place to realise an artistic performance with Catherine Libert. They have shooted a film of thirty minutes who begins with the generic of the Jacques Demi's movie "Nice, Baie des Anges" (1963) in which the names of the artists and the members of the crew take the place of the actors and the actress.

The new genericThe new generic

The new generic

After the camera shoots speedly the Promenade des Anglais and we can heard as soundtrack the voices of the people who leave near this place speaking and giving their opinion about the history of this place. The two directors use films of the Promenade shooted in different times : the Promenade during the twenties, the biginning of the Alfred Hitchcock's movie "to catch a thief" and the artist Ben during an artistic performance with members of the Fluxus movement. The two directors divide this movie in several parts and they calibrate them without any direction for creating constant flashbacks who don't explain chronologicaly the story of the Promenade but who illustrate his evolution.

The carnaval of Nice and an artisitic performance of Ben in front of the Negresco Hotel
The carnaval of Nice and an artisitic performance of Ben in front of the Negresco Hotel

The carnaval of Nice and an artisitic performance of Ben in front of the Negresco Hotel

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