Archeological museum of Cimiez, from the east to the west walking twenty centuries on the Nice territory
Exposition in the museum of archeology to the 12th of june until the 4th of october, open to 10am until 6pm except thuersday, 160 Arena of Cimiez avenue, 06000 Nice, phone :
The archeological museum of Cimiez is situated on the ruins of the old roman city Canemelum. Open in 1960 he occupied the ground floor of the Matisse museum. In 1989 it has been transfered in a new modern building few meters from the Matisse museum.
The area of Nice represent an important passage between Italy, the south of France and Spain. The exposition shows the evolution of his passage to the roman period until the contemporary time.
In 12 before J.C. the emperor Auguste gives the order to build a new road (the via Iulia Augusta) on an old path. This road is connected to the most important roads of the empire (via Domitia, via Aurelia). Each thausend steps a roc indicates the distance between this place and the city of Roma. All along the roads there is many graves because the famous roman orator Ciceron said that the bodies of the dead men should be buried outside the cities
The two ways of moving are the donkeys and the horses. The farmers use wagons pulled by cows or donkeys. The lords prefered to use more confortable wagons pulled by horses. During the Middle Age the ways of moving don't evolue.
In 1806 the french emperor Napoléon the first gives orders by building new roads. After the end of the first french empire in 1815 the important english community on the french riviera giv money for building a path along the sea : the future Promenade des anglais.
The incorporation of Nice to the France in 1860 will be the occasion for developping the railroad with the Railroad Compagny of Paris, Lyon and Mediterranean sea (PLM). The railroad will play an important part for developping the tourism. During the 20th century the car will take the place of the train. The famous Nationale 7 known as "the blu road" will be sing by the famous french singer Charles Trenet. This road symbolize the holidays.
The french authorities have built during the sixties two highways (the highway A8 and the urban highway Pierre Mathis) for regularising the traffic. The 21st century is different from the 20th century because the major of the city of Nice decides to rpomove the ecological transports like the tramway.
The echappée vive, cinematographic creation -
A creation of cinematography by Catherine Libert and Marie Losier, Villa Arson, Galerie Carrée, open all the week except thursday, screening all the time, to 2pm until 6pm in june and to 2pm until...
The Massena Museum, the Promenade or the invention of a city -
Exposition in the Massena Museum, 65 street of France, 06000 Nice, open all the days except thuersday to 10 am until 18 pm, phone : Built between 1899 and 1901 the villa Massena is a
Theater of the photography and the picture, Martin Parr life s beach -
Martin Parr exposition, Theater of the photography and the picture, Charles Nègre, the 12th of june until the 13th of september, open 10am to 6 pm, except monday, 27 boulevard Dubouchage, 06000 ...
Musée Matisse, Henri Matisse inner walk -
Exposition at the Matisse Museum to the 12th of june until the 4th of october, open to 10am until 6pm except the thuersday, 160 avenue of the Arènes of Cimiez, phone : Born in the ...
Office du Tourisme et des Congrès de Nice Côte d'Azur
Réservez vos vacances et court-séjour à Nice avec l'Office du Tourisme et des Congrès de Nice Côte d'Azur et obtenez des informations sur les séjours, loisirs, congrès et séminaires à Nice...
Nice 2015, Promenade(S) de Anglais - 14 expositions, 13 sites
East to West, 20 centuries of promenades through Nice