Bricology, the mouse and the parrot

par Philippe  -  17 Août 2015, 11:43

Bricology, the mouse and the parrot

Exhibition in the library of the villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days except thuersday to 2pm until 6pm (to 2pm until 7pm in july and august), free entrance, to the 15th of february until the 31st of august.

The organizers of this exhibition have invented a new word called "the Bricology" who is the mix between the do it yourself and the technology for explaining all the technical approaches adopted by the artists. They reject the approach of the art critics and the public who are just available to be intersted by the result. The meaning of the art work can be found in the production process who can be define as the search of signs (studio, tools, know - how, accidents).

The meaning of the art work can also be found in the myth of Dedal (the inventor of the maze, the articial wings ans the automats). In the antical Greece the art and the technics are mixed together for becoming the most important value for the greeks : the trick. The trick is the other way for obtening a result. So the history of the art and the technic is founded on the diversion : diversion of technics, diversion of materials, diversion of objects, diversion of pictures.

Bricology, the mouse and the parrotBricology, the mouse and the parrot

The exhibition proposes to speak about several themes in the patio gallery (level 0 villa Arson) and in the gallery of the cyprès (level - 1, villa Arson). The first theme consist to oppose the craft industry to the do it yourself. Leonardo de Vinci and Kant despised the craft industry but the modern artists like to work with their hands and some craft industry like jewellery - making is considered as a real art work. Some art critics try to oppose the craft industry to the do it yourself but this opposition is a non sense because in the both activities we can find manual and intellectual activities.

Bricology, the mouse and the parrotBricology, the mouse and the parrot

The second theme try to oppose the magic and the process of creation. With the magic a magician can hide or mix the right and the wrong. It's the same with the process of creation. The artists have several possibilities : to be attracted by the process of creation or to be attracted by the result. They can choose the first or the second possibility but they can also make a mix with these two possibilities.

Bricology, the mouse and the parrot

The third theme and last theme of the exhibition consist to oppose the artistic project to the technology and the value. The organizers have chosen for illustrating the artistic projet the art work of Sol LeWitt (Wall drawing, 1967). In this art work the artist imagines his work and ask to several drawers to realise it but let them free to interprete his recommandations.

For illustrating the technology the organizers have chosen the automats as a tribute to Dedal. To the middle age until the 18th century the automats play a scientific importance but after the 19th century they become funny machines for fair - grounds.

The value has several intepretations who depend to your occupation or the religion you believe in. But these three words or expressions have a common point : everything depend to the time you live in.

Bricology, the mouse and the parrot
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