Building a collection
Arman, Robert Barry, Christian Boltanski, Lourdes Castro, César, Mark Dion, Erro, Hans - Peter Feldmann, Claire Fontaine, Jeppe Hein, Linda Fregni Nagler, Camille Henrot, Bertrand Lavier, Anne et Patrick Poirier, Hans Schabus, Villa Sauber, 17th Princesse Grace avenue, Monaco, open the 21st of marz until the 27th of september 2015.
The exhibition "Building a collection" propose tot the spectator to invoke the notion of museum and his evolution. With a museum we can invoke the time and the memory or how we represent it. Christian Boltanski thinks that with a museum the object goes to a personnal history until a collective history like the pictures of children he has shooted. Anne and Patrick Poirier give another life to a fountain or a cathedral towards some models. Their aim is to prove taht you can give another life to the past for a better understanding.
A museum helps also to have an opening on the external. Bertrand Lavier consideres the the obejcts have their own finality like the 308 GTS just in front of the Villa Sauber. We can found the same quest in the Lourdes Castro's art work about the pictures. With her dematerialized herborium she asks herself about the meaning of the objects invite to come back to the childhood. Loïs Fuller shares also this quest. She uses the tehcnological progress of the 19th century for creating a dance who exalts the nature towards the lines and the moving.
The other aim of a museum should be to incitate the spirit to escape. Robert Barry works with non classicals supports (sounds, thought, pictures) because they invite to go to fluctuating states propitious for escaping. We can found again this need of escaping in the art work of Hans - Peter Feldmann. He creates fluctuating silhouettes with his shooted pictures on a wall. He wants to protect the subjectivity of the artist because the subjectivity stays fragile.
A museum invokes the time and the memory but he shouldn't stay stiffed. The memory and the time should help for creating some connections between the visitors and the obejcts exposed fo favouring new meetings. In her artistic performance Claire Henrot critizes the resistances to the reason because they can't help to make the difference between the myth and the reality. In the same way the collectif Claire Fontaine uses the sounds, the videos, the sulptures and the writting for critizing the incapacity of the politicians to resolve with humanity the problem of the immigration.
The deconstruction of the scientific speech shows the gap of the science and incitate the creator and the spectator to invent a new scientific universe much more realistic. Hans Schabus shows in his art work that this opinion has the same roots that the institutionnal critics movement. During the senventies this movement wanted to fight against the museums. The last artist Linda Fregni Nagler proposes to create a new scientific speech who will take place of the actual scientific speech. This new speech will be composed by anthropological speech, an historical interpretation of the documents and a surrealist speech of the past.
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la Principauté de Monaco, Monte-Carlo - Monaco Monte-Carlo
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