Gerard Garouste, on the way
Exhibition at the Maeght Fondation to the 27th june until the 29th november, 623 Gardette's way, 06570 Saint - Paul - de - Vence, open all the days between 10am to 6pm between october to june and between 10am to 7pm between july and september, adults : 15 €, groupes : 10 € each members, free for the children, picture : 5 €.
The manager of the Maeght Fondation Olivier Kaeppelin has organized several exhibition who speaks about the artists and their engagements. With the exhibition "On the way" he gives a tribute to a ver enigmatic artist : Gérard Garouste. Born the 10th marz 1946 in Paris he interests himself early by art and follows studies in the Fine - Arts school of Paris between 1965 and 1972. At the biginning of his career he realize humorisitc drawings and works with the film director Jean - Michel Ribes.
Gérard Garouste watches at the end of the seventies an exhibition about the art work of Jean Dubuffet the man who has invented the art brut and decides to become a figurative painter. His figurative and mythological painting becomes quickly well known. Big galleries and international museum organize exhibitions about his art work (Durant Dessart Gallery, Holly Salomn Gallery, Léo Castelli, Cartier Fondation, Templon Gallery, BNF, ...).
In his own book entitled "The non quiet man" Gérard Garouste explains with calm and serenity the treatments he has recieved in institutions for fighting against his cirsis of anxiety. Towards 80 art works (paintings, sculptures, drawings) Gérard Garouste show us that he has succeeds to win against his anxiety with the help of the religion (the jew religion) and comics like the adventures of Tim.
The religion and the comics are very usefull for understanding the Garouste paintings. Gérard Garouste looks the humanity towards a double interrogation. He interrogates himself about his art style and thinks that he is the disciple of Picasso and Duchamp but he improves some difficulties to find is place between this two painters. He shows us also the trap where an artist must never fall down : an artist doesn't belong to any art school and stays independant.
Gérard Garouste asks himself some questions about the relation between the spectator and his painting. He thinks that his painting is usefull for creating a connection between the artist and the spectators. The spectators mus understand the meaning of the paintings without any knowledges in art. Gérard Garouste isn't attracted by the answers. He just want to incitate the spectators to think about art because art has no limits;
Face à l'oeuvre -
Exposition à la fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght, dans le cadre de "fondation Maeght, 50 ans, 1964 - 2014", du 28 juin au 11 novembre 2014. Inaugurée le 28 juillet 1964 par le Secrétaire d'E...
More than infinite -
Gilbert Pedinielli invite Dominique Angel, Jean - Michel Bossini, Daniel Farioli, Raoul Hebreard, Genevieve Martin, Sophie Menuet, Alexandre Saliceti, Centre internartional d'art contemporain (CIAC)
Jean Fautrier, the free representation -
Exposition "Jean Fautrier, the free representation, Castor Seibel collection, graphic pieces" , 28th of november 2014 to 26th of april 2015. Centre d'Art la Malmaison, 47 la Croisette, 06.400 ...
The grace of the line, the strength of the colors -
Exposition au Chateau de Villeneuve / Emile Hugues Fondation, to 20th december 2014 until 30th marz 2015, 2 place du Frêne, 06140 Vence, open to monday until sunday, ticket = 8 €, students and ...
Light -
Expostion at the art gallery Chave, 13 Henri Isnard street, 06140 Vence, phone :, open each days to 10 am until 12.30 am and to 15 pm until 19.30 pm except holidays, free entrance ...
Bricology, the mouse and the parrot -
Exhibition in the library of the villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days except thuersday to 2pm until 6pm (to 2pm until 7pm in july and august), free entrance, to ...
Gérard Garouste - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gérard Garouste was born in Paris. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris from 1965 to 1972 in the atelier of Gustave Singier. It was there he discovered Duchamp. Around this time, he ...