Adel Abdessemed, Jalousy

par Philippe  -  28 Décembre 2015, 10:00

Adel Abdessemed, Jalousy

Acting in complicity with Jean Nouvel, exhibition the 3rd october 2015 until the 17th january 2016, Vence museum, Emile Hugues fondation, 2 Frêne square, 06000 Vence.

The style of the Adel Abdessemed's art work is very provocative. His purpose is to wake up the consciousnesses. Born the 2nd of marz 1971 in Constatine (Algeria) he has initiates himself to the art under the direction of Charif Marzouki. Marzouki has is own art style influenced by the orientalist vision of the 19th century. This artistical movement has been created by french painters like Etienne Dinet who like north african culture. They painted precise themes (the harem, the landscape, the human being) with phantasms. At the end of his artistical studies in 1994 he decides to go away of Algeria because a civil war has begun between the army and the islamists. He has taken this decision after the killing of the director of the Fine Arts school and his son.

When he arrives in France Adel Abdessemed interrupt the relation with his mentor and adopts the provocation as art style. The purpose of his new approach of his art work is to show us "the sensitive areas" of the politics and the intimity. With the exhibition "Don't trust me" he exposes dead bodies of animals killed with a hammer in mexicans farms. This exhibition has been rejected in United States (Art Institute of San Francisco) but also in Glasgow (International festival of contemporary art) and in Turin. A big controversial has happened on Facebook around the topic of this exhibition.

Adel Abdessemed, "Exile".

Adel Abdessemed, "Exile".

With the exhibition "Jealousy" Adel Abdessemed follows the topic he has introduced with the exhibition "Don't trust me". He recieves the help of the famous french architect Jean Nouvel for waking up the old Villeneuve castle. Adel Abdessemed wants to be the oberver of the modern world and he uses the jealousies who are particulars openings of the mediterranean architecture. With the jealousies you can ventilate yourself, hidding women and seing without being seen.

Adel Abdessemed, "Mappemonde" (2014) and "Hope" (2013).Adel Abdessemed, "Mappemonde" (2014) and "Hope" (2013).

Adel Abdessemed, "Mappemonde" (2014) and "Hope" (2013).

Adel Abdessemed speaks about several themes in his exhibition and he uses a terrestrial globe made with cans as ariadne's clew. He interrogates himself about the destiny and the aim of the persons who try to cross the mediterranean sea on skiffs ("Hope") for escaping of the poverty. He has inspired himself by the famous Gericault painting "le radeau de la Méduse" painted in 1816. This tragedy (many people who die in front of the european coasts) is a constant since a hundred years.

Adel Abdessemed, "The Cry" (2013) and "A Child" (2014).Adel Abdessemed, "The Cry" (2013) and "A Child" (2014).

Adel Abdessemed, "The Cry" (2013) and "A Child" (2014).

Adel Abdessemed attract also himself by the destiny of the children and the women all over the world. The childhood should be the period of the innocence the artist show us that some of the children are under the uniforms. They can also be the victims of the human madness like the young Kim Phuc ("The Cry") during the Viet Nam war or the young boy in the ghetto of Warsaw ("A Child").

Adel Abdessemed is worried by the women condition. In a short film he shoots the star of the iranian independant film making Golshifteh Farahani. She seems to be paceful and asleeps but during that time the mollahs insult her in medias and bannish her from Iran. He shows us also this condition towards a model who present women walking around the french Arc de triomphe. They wear same clothes as women in Afghanistan.

Adel Abdessemed "Lonelyness" (2014)

Adel Abdessemed "Lonelyness" (2014)

Adel Abdessemed concluded his exhibition with a very controversial topic : the religion. In the catholic religion the body of the christ is represented by a man who is crucified. The other religions (jew and muslim) don't represent their own prophets. The artist inspires himself by the retable of Isenheim painted by Matthias Grünewald for representing a decomposed christ. The decomposed christ symbolizes the state of the world who is violent and who reject all kind of humanity.

Adel Abdessemed, "Mappemonde", (2014)

Adel Abdessemed, "Mappemonde", (2014)

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