Njinga, queen of angola

par Philippe  -  7 Décembre 2015, 21:46

Njinga, queen of angola

Historic movie directed by Sergio Graciano, writing credits : Joasso Jorge, cast (in credits order) : Lesliana Pereira, Ana Santos, Erica Chissepo, Silvia Noreimento, Miguel Hurst, Jaime Joaquim, Orlando Sergio, Alvaro Miguel, Ana Almeida, ..., produced by : Laréon Du, Renato Freitas, Sergio Nato (executives producers), cinematography : Rai Amado, film editing by : Antonio Goncalves, costume design by : Marina Vian, makeup department : Natalia Bogalha, production management : Dina Pinto, Ines Tavares, Marisa Tavares, second unit director (assistant director) : Francisco Antunoz, Luisa Cabral, Alvaro Candeira, Izequiel Filipe, sound department : Artur Andrade, costume and wardrobe department : Silvio Almeida, editorial department : Joao Rebela Pinto, music department : Hugo Leitao, other crew : Joaquim Herta.

The movie speaks in a form of a novel about the life of the queen Njinga of Angola. She has reigned on the kingdom of Angola between the end of the 16th century until the biginning of the 17th century. She has succeeded to protect her kingdom against the portuguese and the dutchmen. This movie has recieved big investments who were very usefull for building the sets. Njinga is a cleaver and a skilful princess but her own brother is her first opponen. He doesn't trust her and he gives the order to kill the Njinga's son. After the killing he gives her the order to go away.

The Njinga's brother decides to declare the war to the portuguese who are in the city of Luanda but his army is defeat. After this defeat he really need the help of Njinga because nobody wants to follow him anymore. He nominates Njinga as ambassador and ask her to negociate a peace treaty with the portuguese. When she arrives in Luanda she becomes to oberve the portuguese for understanding their strategy. She spend few days in Luanda and goes back to her kingdom. She begins by giving the order to kill his brother and his son. After these killing she takes the power.

Njinga takes the power.

Njinga takes the power.

The new portuguese governement refuses to respect the peace treaty conditions and wants to impose more restrictives conditions specially in trading to Njinga. The aim of the portuguese politicians is to eliminate Njinga. The new portuguese governement sends a big army who encircle the Njinga's camp. Njinga succeed to escape but her two sisters are captured by the portuguese. For delivering her two sisters and her kingdom she must conclude alliances with chiefs of many tribes. She says to her new allies the she will never forgett their support.

Njinga leads her army for delivering her sisters and her kingdom.

Njinga leads her army for delivering her sisters and her kingdom.

Njinga wins some battles but she must give some money to the portuguese for buying the freedom of one of her sisters. The other one must stay in Luanda as hostage. During her captivity she observes the strategy of the portuguese and succeeds to give some informations about it to Njinga but the portuguese discover that she is a spy and decide to kill her. Njinga is deeply affected by the killing of her sister and decide to revange onself on the portuguese. She leads many speed and bloody attacks against the portuguese. Her troups kill many oponens.The attacks force the portuguese to conclude a new peace treaty with Njinga. In this treaty they recognize the Njinga's power.

The queen Njinga.

The queen Njinga.

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