The afternoon
Exhibition to the 4th of october until the 28th of december 2015 of Julien Dubuisson, Ibai Hernandorena, Lidwine Prolonge and Jean - Charles de Quillacq monographs under the direction of : Mathieu Mercier. Villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liégeard avenue, 06.000 Nice, open all days except thuersdays to 2pm until 6pm, free entrance.
"The afternoon" exhibition is an exhibition who belongs to the 5 / 7 third circle of art training in the villa Arson art school. The four artists Julien Dubuisson, Ibai Hernandorena, Lidwine Prolonge and Jean - Charles de Quillacq inaugurate this training session. During two years the artists will recieve an income from the french authorities, a place for leaving and also a studio for working and improving their own art work.
This exhibition put together four artists (Julien Dubuisson, Ibai Hernndorena, Lidwine Prolonge and Jean - Charles de Quillacq) around a same theme : the history. We can find history in all of the art works because it symbolyze the situation of these artists : they are in the biginning of their own careers. But history is also the line who connects all these art works together.
Lidwine Prolonge show us how history is introduced by people magazines (Monaco) or invoked by events towards several artistic performances. In "June the 26th" she reminds us the memory of the french actress Françoise Dorléac who dies the 26th of june 1967 in a car crash near Villeneuve - Loubet. She relates the tragedy with pictures from a well known french magazine (Paris Match) and by sentences taped in which we can hear someone saying that a plane is waiting for the actress. The artist works also with the events when she takes a conference leading by Isaac Asimov in 1964 and asks herself about the meaning of the future.
Jean - Charles de Quillack prefers to speak about the history with much more intimity. This intimate story helps him to look for is own inner equilibrium. He materializes this search towards the relationships he succeeds to build with the materials he uses.He prefers to use materials easy to be used and and easy to be modify without any limits and available to stay in the space without any helps.
Ibai Hernandorena has a vision of the history who is critic and nostalgic. He takes and uses elements from post cards for invoking the hollidays few years ago (beaches, ...). His purpose is to show us that the modern society is like a dream. He deconstructs the pictures for showing us a modern world without any kind of humanity. This world doesn't respect the intimity of the human being like we can see in the tower picture before the falling down of the tower. Ibai Hernandorena hopes that the fragility of the world will be preserved.
Juline Dubuisson speaks about the history towards an interrogation on the art work of the artist. He builds a shelf and put some objects who seem to be heterogeneous without any connections together but who have their own history. These objects can be imbricated together like a short film show us. In this short film a little girl is using the objects for building a cube. The collection matérializes the connection who is existing between the artist and the objects.
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