Omar Youssoufi, cryptology
Exhibition at the Chave gallery, from the 11th of december 2015 to 28th february 2016, open from 10am to 12.30am and from 15pm to 19.30pm, 13 Isnard street, 06140 Vence, phone :, free entrance.
Omar Youssoufi is borned the 1rst of january 1950 at Casblanca (Marroco) but he leaves and works in France now. During his childhood he follows art studies in Marroco and goes after to Marseille for integrating th Fine - Arts school of Luminy. He will also learn art at the Fine - Arts school of Aix - en - Provence. Omar Youssoufi makes objects with porcelain, sondstone or wood that he associated to manufactured objects, pieces of books, parchments. He connects these pieces all together behind a glass. With these connections he makes a kind of sand - pit composed by differents sculptures.
Towards these sculptures Youssoufi wants to show that human being meet together, separate themselves and find themselves again. Each person belongs to his own culture but when he meets another culture he enriches himself. Since 1980 Omar Youssoufi exhibites his art work in some exhibitions in France (Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, Fondation d'Art Contemporain, le Musée de Grenoble, la Cité des sciences de la Vilette) but also in some others foreign countries (The Amman Museum).
Jean Fautrier, the free representation -
Exposition "Jean Fautrier, the free representation, Castor Seibel collection, graphic pieces" , 28th of november 2014 to 26th of april 2015. Centre d'Art la Malmaison, 47 la Croisette, 06.400 ...
This is not a Museum -
"The dialog between paintings, dance, poetry and music", exposition at the Maeht fondation, the 29th of november 2014 until the 15th of marz 2015, open all days, october - june 10h. - 18h. and july
Light -
Expostion at the art gallery Chave, 13 Henri Isnard street, 06140 Vence, phone :, open each days to 10 am until 12.30 am and to 15 pm until 19.30 pm except holidays, free entrance ...
Odyssey -
Exhibition at the villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days, except thuersday, to 2pm until 7pm (2pm until 6pm in september), entrance free. The exhibition of the 2015
The pebble -
The pebble is a stone who contains all the geological history between the Alps and the mediterranean sea. They have been made with many ores : granite, gneiss, orkase, grè, limestone. The action of