Didier Demozay "Confrontation"

par Philippe  -  14 Mars 2016, 09:14

Didier Demozay "Confrontation"

Galerie des Ponchettes, from 23 january to 27 marz 2016, open every days from 10am to 6pm except monday, 77 quai des Etats - Unis, 06000 Nice.

The french painter Didier Demozay doesn't want to give any meaning to his art work. He just wants to show us the painting. Born in 1950 he leaves and works at Draguignan (Var). He has studied art at the Nice National school of Fine Arts. During his studies he has been influenced by some artists and artistic movements. He likes the american painter Sam Francis. Sam Francis defends a new approach of the color, a new esthetic of the convas and a new conception of working without being a member of an artistic movement.

Didier Demozay like also the minimalists painters. For them painting must be something neutral without any feelings. The influence of the minimalists on the Demozay's painting is strong because he clearly follows two groups who belong to this movement. The first entitles himself BMPT (Daniel Buren, Olivier Morrel, Michel Parmentier and Noëlle Tosani) and has been created in 1966. The other one the support / surface group appears in 1969 after an exhibition at the city of le Havre. These two artistic groups think that painting is the only thing who matter.

Didier Demozay "Vert, violet, noir" (2007) et "Sans titre" (2013)Didier Demozay "Vert, violet, noir" (2007) et "Sans titre" (2013)

Didier Demozay "Vert, violet, noir" (2007) et "Sans titre" (2013)

The Didier Demozay art work's is characterized by the simplicity who show us the influence of the american minimalists painters. The artist doesn't want to realized painting who delivers a message. He just wants to paint. Didier Demozay doesn't use the colors we can find in the industry. He just takes the colors we can find in the shops and mixes them with oil. Didier Demozay paints some geometrical forms without any symmetry with brushes. His painting translates a fight between each forms. The spectator thinks that he will understand speedly but after watching a long time he sees that it will be more difficult.

Didier Demozay "Bleu indigo, bleu outremer", et "Jaune, noir, jaune" (2012)Didier Demozay "Bleu indigo, bleu outremer", et "Jaune, noir, jaune" (2012)

Didier Demozay "Bleu indigo, bleu outremer", et "Jaune, noir, jaune" (2012)

Didier Demozay follows also the Sam Francis way and developpes a new approach of the convas and the painting. Didier Demozay builds his own art work where each convas is a fight. He paints many convas but also distroys a lot of them because he wants to find the harmony in his paintings. Didier Demozay arrives to the harmony when he succeeds to find the equilibrium between the colors. Each colors must find his place inside a white convas. Here the white isn't a neutral color but becomes a color who put the other colors inside or outside the convas.

Didier Demozay "Rouge, rouge, rouge" (2010).

Didier Demozay "Rouge, rouge, rouge" (2010).

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