LAB, behind the scenes of Monaco's Art Museum
Exhibition at the New National Museum of Monaco, villa Sauber, 17 avenue Princesse Grace, Monaco, from thursday to sunday, from the 26 november 2015 to 20 marz 2016, free entrance.
The organizers of the exhibition have the aim to create a laboratory of meetings for giving a meaning to the word museum. The villa Sauber will showcase during four months from thursday to sunday some meetings about production and scenography around the museum. Some thems linked with museums (architecture, residence of artists, communication) and the help of some people who work with the museums (artists, critics, designers, ...) will facilitate the dialog and create some interests between the public and the organizers.
A museum must have the aim to conserve and to restaure the objects who belong to the collections like the automats collection's of Madeleine de Galéa (100 automats). This collection is exhibites again at the first floor of the villa Sauber. Organizing such collection involves to inventory and to make some searches about the automats. The museum of Monaco has followed the same way when it has recieved personals pieces of the famous choregraph Serge Lifar (wardrobe of some ballets, paintings, posters, books). The difficulty was to find some informations before making the restaurations.
The purpose of a museum is also to exhibite the art work to the public including professionals and non professionals. Exhibiting something isn't very easy because the organizers must find the good tempo. The Sauber villa has found when it makes a tribute to the famous singer Josephine Baker. The Société des bains de mer (SBM) has restaured the wardrobes wearing by the artist during her last shows at Monaco in 1974. The curator of the exhibition has made a fictive boudoir who creates a dialog between her wardrobes and the TV shows where she has performed and also the sets models realized by André Levasseur;
A museum helps to transmit the culture. The outside contributors speak with the audience and give a help to the people who want to find is own way inside the exhibition. This effort is particulary important to do with young teenagers of school and highschool. The board of the museum must find the right words for incitating the elders and the youth to go to the museum. So the villa Sauber exhibites outside on the parking an art work made by the british artist Martin Creed ("Work # 1701"). This art work must incitate the spectator to become a like an actor who walks among the people in a street of Manhattan.
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