Florence Louise Petetin "I doesn't say (...) look after me in the empty space !"
Florence Louise Petetin exhibition at the Espace Muséal of the Château - Mairie of Tourettes- sur - Loup, from the 13th november 2015 to the 1rst april 2016, open every days except sunday and monday, from 2pm to 6pm., free entrance.
The exhibition of Florence Louise Petetin at the Château - Marie show us the facets of her art work. His painting looks like a training and not like a diary. The artistic process of Florence Louise Petetin is similar as a protocol. Her painting goes towards some differents moments who translate her doubts before painting. She juggles with differents problematics : she must sail some paintings for earning some money but also preserve her own independance. She tries to deliver us some messages with the subjects or the landscapes she paints. Florence Louise Petetin wants to show us the dark side of the modern society.
Florence Louise Petetin introduce herself as an outsider painter who is influenced by the Monet paintings realized at Giverny. Her aim is to put the outside inside her own paintings. Florence Louise Petetin paints the landscapes since a travel in India. Deeply touch by this travel she droppes inside the painting and paint very physically like a fight. We must notice that she uses few colors (the black, the yellow and the green) like the minimalists painters.
More than infinite - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Gilbert Pedinielli invite Dominique Angel, Jean - Michel Bossini, Daniel Farioli, Raoul Hebreard, Genevieve Martin, Sophie Menuet, Alexandre Saliceti, Centre internartional d'art contemporain (CIAC)
Gregory Forstner, the painter - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Born in 1975 in Douala (Cameroon) from a french mother and an austrian father Gregory Forstner grews up in Nice. During his childhood he frequents with assiduity the movie theaters more than the ...
This is not a Museum - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
"The dialog between paintings, dance, poetry and music", exposition at the Maeht fondation, the 29th of november 2014 until the 15th of marz 2015, open all days, october - june 10h. - 18h. and july
Odyssey - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Exhibition at the villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days, except thuersday, to 2pm until 7pm (2pm until 6pm in september), entrance free. The exhibition of the 2015
The afternoon - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Exhibition to the 4th of october until the 28th of december 2015 of Julien Dubuisson, Ibai Hernandorena, Lidwine Prolonge and Jean - Charles de Quillacq monographs under the direction of : Mathieu ...
Didier Demozay "Confrontation" - artetcinemas.over-blog.com
Galerie des Ponchettes, from 23 january to 27 marz 2016, open every days from 10am to 6pm except monday, 77 quai des Etats - Unis, 06000 Nice. The french painter Didier Demozay doesn't want to give