Peter Kim, a float

par Philippe  -  19 Avril 2016, 17:04

Peter Kim, a float

Exhibition at the Modern Art and the Contemporary Art, Yves Klein square, 06364 Nice, Cedex 4, from the 27th february to the 24th april 2016, open all the days except monday from 10 am to 6 pm, phone :

The Peter's Kim art work is dominated by the philosophy. Born in Korea in 1967 he is influenced by the philosophy of Confucius where the community is much more important than the individuality but this philosophy isn't good for the creativity of an artist. For saving his own soul Peter Kim goes out. He arrives in France and begins to study Fine Art at the Aix - Marseille university. After he moves to New - York. During his studies he learns a lot of artistic movements including expressionism abstract and the minimal art. The painting he paints at this time is very colorful.

Peter Kim "Untitled" (2005) and "Untitled" (2007)Peter Kim "Untitled" (2005) and "Untitled" (2007)

Peter Kim "Untitled" (2005) and "Untitled" (2007)

At the beginning of his moving in New - York he takes up the confucianist culture. This attitude could be explain by the fact that United States is divided in communities. Peter Kim thinks that the West and The East have different cultures based on their history and also on their philosophies. He thinks that the contemporary art makes a mistake when he rejects the forms and he takes a sentence written by TS Eliott for supporting his thought. The new purpose of Peter Kim is to create a much more discreet esthetic cleaned by water. This new esthetic show us may be that Peter Kim is navigating between two antagonists cultures.

Peter Kim "Untitled" (2015)Peter Kim "Untitled" (2015)

Peter Kim "Untitled" (2015)

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