Out of the stock, tribute to the donors

par Philippe  -  11 Mai 2016, 08:55

Out of the stock, tribute to the donors

Exhibition from the 27th of february to the 22nd of may 2016, International Center of Contemporary Art, Castle of Carros, Castle square, 06510 Carros (village), open from 10am to 12.30am and from 2pm to 5.30pm, closed monday and during some holidays, entrance free, phone :

The exhibition "Out of the stock" speak about the ICCA collection inaugurated in 1999 one year after the opening of the ICCA. It's the third time that this collection is showcases to the public. This collection has been created under the impulse of Frederic Altman and André Verdet. Verdet was the first to give something to the ICCA collection. The paintings and the sculptures exhibited in the rooms show us the rising of the artistic creation from the geometrical abstraction to the new realism.

Bruno Mendonça "Projet de bibliothèques éphémères (4 dessins)" (2004).Bruno Mendonça "Projet de bibliothèques éphémères (4 dessins)" (2004).

Bruno Mendonça "Projet de bibliothèques éphémères (4 dessins)" (2004).

The exhibition shows also the donors (artists, collectors, gallerists, anonymous) because they play an important part. Among the names of the donors we can find : André Verdet, Michel Gaudet, the Bruno de Mendonça family (one room gives a tribute to this artist) and Paule Stuppa. Their gifts to the ICCA collection are paintings, sculptures, drawings and pictures.

HM Moulay "African women" (2002)HM Moulay "African women" (2002)

HM Moulay "African women" (2002)

The artists can also contribute regulary to rise up the collection during artistic residences in the ICCA. The artistic works they give (paintings, sculptures, drawings, pictures) are the track of their passage. The artists can find the inspiration when they walk in the streets of the old village of Carros or may be by the spirit of the castle of Carros. The artistic collection of the ICCA isn't stilted because it is regulary used for exhibitions outside the walls of the castle.

Cettia Cotta "Untitled" (2009)

Cettia Cotta "Untitled" (2009)

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