Philip Vormwald, serial
Espace à vendre gallery, 10 Assalit street, 06000 Nice, from tuesday to saturday, from 2pm to 7pm, from the 26th of february to 7th may 2016, phone : and
The german artist Philip Vormwald is borned in Germany (1978) but he lives and works now in France. His art work has been exposed everywhere in Europe (germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium). They explore the time in different ways. He proposes first a cultural approach of the time and invokes some cultures (old, modern, contemporary). He uses also several technics for analyzing the time. He produces series of drawing where each drawing has is own logic. The drawing cancels the drawing before but announces the drawing after.
Philip Vormwald uses also the ground of the art gallery in his art work as a screenplay of a movie. The ground performs in several parts. This is a reference to the Philip Vormwald's cinematographical studies he has left before being an artist. This artistical approach refers the spectator to his own life with his own story. The Philip Vormwald's art work is clearly illustrated by the Gilles Deleuze sentence in which he says that life has two sides : the dark side and the ligthy side.
More than infinite -
Gilbert Pedinielli invite Dominique Angel, Jean - Michel Bossini, Daniel Farioli, Raoul Hebreard, Genevieve Martin, Sophie Menuet, Alexandre Saliceti, Centre internartional d'art contemporain (CIAC)
This is not a Museum -
"The dialog between paintings, dance, poetry and music", exposition at the Maeht fondation, the 29th of november 2014 until the 15th of marz 2015, open all days, october - june 10h. - 18h. and july
The exquisite corpus -
Art performance film, directed by : Peter Tscherskassky, Brigitte Burger Utzer, production : Peter Tscherskassky, soundtrack : David Schaefer. The director Peter Tscherskassky is borned in 1958 ...
The echappée vive, cinematographic creation -
A creation of cinematography by Catherine Libert and Marie Losier, Villa Arson, Galerie Carrée, open all the week except thursday, screening all the time, to 2pm until 6pm in june and to 2pm until...
Bricology, the mouse and the parrot -
Exhibition in the library of the villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days except thuersday to 2pm until 6pm (to 2pm until 7pm in july and august), free entrance, to ...
Odyssey -
Exhibition at the villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days, except thuersday, to 2pm until 7pm (2pm until 6pm in september), entrance free. The exhibition of the 2015
Espace A VENDRE, 10 rue Assalit, 06000 Nice, France
Art contemporain. 10 rue Assalit Nice 06000. Tel. +33 (0)9 80 92 49 23 Fax +33 (0)6 11 89 24 89. Ouvert du mardi au samedi 14h-19h et sur rendez-vous.