Space, Spaces

par Philippe  -  9 Mai 2016, 18:44

Space, Spaces

Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght, 623 chemin des Gardettes, 06570 Saint - Paul - de - Vence, phone :, entrance = 15 €, free for the children under ten years.

The springtime exhibition at the Maeght Fondation has the aim to give more hope after the terrific and of 2015 and the very anxious beginning of 2016. The director of the Maeght Fondation Olivier Kaeppelin has hesitated between several titles like "Species, spaces", "Space Oddity" of David Bowie and also ""Travel, Travels" famous song sings by the singer Desireless. The title "Space, Spaces" invokes a travel towards the differents rooms of the Fondation Maeght linked with poet sentences.

Fabrice Hyder.

Fabrice Hyder.

Each art work (paintings, sculptures, ...) shows a special place created by an artist where he invites the spectators. Some art work can shocking or surprising like the Wolfgang Gäfgen or Claudine Drai works with their sharping objects and their uncurved lines. This type of art work show the searching of an harmony behind a fragility.

Gérard Garouste.

Gérard Garouste.

For putting together all the art pieces the fondation recieves the help of the artists who where there at the beginning of the fondation and the most recently artists. The association of the friends of the fondation gives also his helps towards a collective found raising for buying new art works.

Gérard Garouste.

Gérard Garouste.

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