The Lili Côme's poetical universe

par Philippe  -  14 Juillet 2016, 08:55

The Lili Côme's poetical universe

The working process of Lili Côme begins with a rejection : the rejection of the specialized papers opinion who say that art is ended. Lili Côme inspires herself by the thinkings of Paul Klee in his book "Theory of modern art" and of Henri Matisse in "Propos et écrits sur l'art". She goes often in museums for watching old and contemporary masterpieces for finding the inspiration. Lili Côme wants to stay out of the artistic movements but without being out of the artistic world.

The Lili Côme's painting.

The Lili Côme's painting.

Lili Côme is very attentive to the forms and her studio is full of sketches and sketch books. Each fact is a new challenge for her. She uses all kind of technical (oil, ink,...) and paints on several kinds of canvas and she can also create some new tools. Lili Côme is specially attracted by the colors and the goal of her canvas is to create an harmony connected with her life in the south of France and the art work of Paul Klee who have associated music and colors.

The Lili Côme's painting.

The Lili Côme's painting.

The Lili Côme's individuals inside her paintings speaks about her own dreams. These simply, unconventional and expressive individuals live in particular landscapes. The Lili Côme's sculptures represent also these individuals but out of the canvas. The Lili Côme's lithographs deal with easier stories explaining with symbolic components (scales, sun, moon,...). Sometimes we can see writing around the picture. In other times Lili Côme writes letters or some letters for creating links between forms, situations, signs, words, messages, colors and lights.

Lili Côme.

Lili Côme.

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