Thomas Demand exhibition
Exhibition from April 29 to August 28 at the New National Museum of Monaco, 56 boulevard du Jardin Exotique, Monaco, open everyday from 11am to 7pm from June 1 to September 30 and from 10am to 6pm from October 1 to May 31, phone : + 377 9898 1962, fee : 6 €.
The German photographer Thomas Demand uses the photography for reproducing life -size some species without any human being. Sometimes he uses made with paper and card broad. He shoots real sites and events who makes reference to historical and media - related context. With "The Blossom" series (2015) he inspires himself with a small detail (piece of cherry tree) inside a New York Times picture of one widow of a terrorist who was involved in the Boston bombing. With "The Atelier" series he has shot the last Matisse studio at the Regina Hotel. "The Hydrokultur" picture show us a place where the wild nature doesn't exist anymore. Thomas Demand doesn't try to create an emotional reaction but he incites the spectators to interrogate themselves about the tragic dimension of these scenes.
Bricology, the mouse and the parrot -
Exhibition in the library of the villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days except thuersday to 2pm until 6pm (to 2pm until 7pm in july and august), free entrance, to ...
Nice, sun, flowers. Marc Chagall and the bay of angels -
Exhibition at the Chagall Museum, 36th doctor Menard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days except thuersday, to 10am until 6 pm, phone : Marc Chagall is borned the 7th of july 1887 ...
The pebble -
The pebble is a stone who contains all the geological history between the Alps and the mediterranean sea. They have been made with many ores : granite, gneiss, orkase, grè, limestone. The action of
Ghiribizzi - Jacques Martinez -
Exhibition from the 24th of april to the 12th of june 2016 at the Museum of Modern Art and Contemporary Art, gallery des Ponchettes and de la Marine, 59 and 77 quai des Etats - Unis, 06300 Nice ...