Between dogs and cats, Bonnard and the animals
Exhibition at the Bonnard Museum, 16 boulevard Sadi Carnot, 06110 Le Cannet, open everyday except Monday, from 10am to 6pm (from September to June) and from 10am to 8pm (from July to August), closed the 1rst of January, the 1rst of May, the 1rst of November, the 25th of December), phone :, fee : 7 €.
The Bonnard museum showcases for the first time the relationship and the feelings that Bonnard improved for the hairy animals and the feather animals. He felt some affection for the animals and put them at the equal level as the human being. Bonnard has painted seven hundred canvas where the animals occupy a very important part. He realized almost an intimate portrait of the beasts.
Bricology, the mouse and the parrot -
Exhibition in the library of the villa Arson, 20th Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open all the days except thuersday to 2pm until 6pm (to 2pm until 7pm in july and august), free entrance, to ...
The Lili Côme's poetical universe -
The working process of Lili Côme begins with a rejection : the rejection of the specialized papers opinion who say that art is ended. Lili Côme inspires herself by the thinkings of Paul Klee in his
Site officiel du Musée Bonnard - Le Cannet - Côte d'Azur
Site officiel du musée Bonnard, Le Cannet, Côte d'Azur. 1er musée au monde dédié à Pierre Bonnard. Label musée de France.