No good turn
Drama directed by : Udoka Oyeka, production : Udoka Oyeka, cast, Young Norbert, Wasje Iruabe, Sani Muazu, 17 mn, (2016),
Some wounded and dead persons stay on the ground of an hospital after a Boko Haram attack. Among the wounded persons there is the terrorist. The medical team works in emergency but the chief of the police arrives and he wants to avenge himself. He takes his gun off after throwing away the doctors but he doesn't arrive to kill the terrorist. Finally he cries and accepts to drink a glass of whisky with one of the doctors before leaving the hospital. Everything seems to be quiet when the the doctor learns that his own wife has been killed by the terrorist. What will the doctor do ? Will he kill the terrorist ?
Congo, the ravages of king Léopold II -
Directed by : Peter Bate, commentary : Paul Pauwels, producted by : Périscope productions, ZDF Arte, RTBF, BBC, Ikon, The History channel (Canada), SBS TV (Australie), DK TV (Danemark), Communaut...
Boko Haram, the origins of the evil -
Documentary directed by Xavier Munch and Bruno Foy, France (2016), 55 mn. The Xavier Munch and Bruno Foy documentary deals with the creation and the rising of the Islamist sect Boko Haram (Boko = ...
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