Florian Schönerstedt, the battle field maps

par Philippe  -  9 Décembre 2016, 16:11

Florian Schönerstedt, the battle field maps

Installation at the Nice Côte d'azur CCI, 18 boulevard Carabacel, 06000 Nice, an Eclat programming connected with the OVNI Festival, entrance free.


The artist Florian Schönerstedt lives and works in Nice since 2001. During ten years he has worked as motion designer for a small factory but he has decided to follow an artistic career in two different ways. Florian Schönerstedt begins by shooting some pictures (the "Ceci n'est pas un trucage" (2007), and "Promenades" (2014) serials) and showcase them in art galleries like the Eponyme gallery in Vence. He directs also short movies like "Prise de tête" (2011) and "Souffle court" (Arte Award, 2013). Within the context of the OVNI festival Florian Schönerstedt showcases "the maps of the battle field". This installation has been made with the own artist scraps. Florian Schönerstedt begins by keeping his scraps and eliminating the organic scraps. After he scans the scraps he has keeping. With this scraps he can establish a cartography of the current consumption of the modern human being.

Florian Schönerstedt "The battle field maps" (detail) (2016)

Florian Schönerstedt "The battle field maps" (detail) (2016)

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