OVNI, Full_Screen, WindsoR Hotel

par Philippe  -  6 Décembre 2016, 09:31

OVNI, Full_Screen, WindsoR Hotel

OVNI, Full_Screen, WindsoR Hotel from the 4th of December 2016, 11 Delpozzo street, 06000 Nice,


The Windsor Hotel has been built in 1896 by an architect who was one of the Eiffel Tower designers. The front of the hotel is built with stones but the structure is made with steel. At the beginning of the 20th century the house is becoming a hotel. Bernard Redolfi has bought the hotel during the 1970's and he has created inside an atmosphere inspired by his own travels in Asia and South America. At this time some artists realize murals in the hotel. Inspired by Jean Hoet and his famous "Artists rooms" the director of the hotel decides with the villa Arson director Christian Bernard to let the artists being free for decorating the hotel rooms.

A room decorating by the artist Ben
A room decorating by the artist Ben
A room decorating by the artist Ben
A room decorating by the artist Ben

A room decorating by the artist Ben

The Bernard Redolfi niece Odile follows the inspiration of her uncle. Each year an artist decorate a room and his art work is also showcased in the common part, the bar and the hall of the hotel. Since 2015 the OVNI festival sponsored by Christian Bernard the MAMCO director showcases some art work in the rooms. This year the optical art takes the power. This art improves the fallibility of the eye towards optical illusions and optical games who give the illusion of the movement. This year two videos keep the attention : The Bruno Pelassy video "Untitled, Untitled, Hundred titles" (1995) and the David Perreard video "Scrolling de litre" (2016). The purpose of these videos is to keep watching the attention of the spectator on moving videos.

OVNI at the WindsoR Hotel
OVNI at the WindsoR Hotel
OVNI at the WindsoR Hotel
OVNI at the WindsoR Hotel

OVNI at the WindsoR Hotel

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