Henri Olivier, the shadow line

par Philippe  -  7 Février 2017, 21:01

Henri Olivier, the shadow line

Exhibition from the 4th to February to the 30th of April 2017 at the Marc Chagall Museum, doctor Ménard avenue, open everyday from 10am to 5pm except Tuesday, the 25th of December and the 1rst of January, fee : 10 €.


The Chagall Museum exhibits the Henri Olivier art work in his gardens. The Henri Olivier work make us think about a catalyst who interrogate the relationships between the sculptures and their environment for showing our perception of the space. The Henri Olivier installations in the gardens of the Chagall Museum incite to discover again the sensory aspects and let the light going in spiritually and physically. But the Henri Olivier installations have also the purpose to watch and to make a critic of the environment. Henri Olivier has the purpose to underline the soul of the Museum for inciting the visitors to meditate.

Henri Olivier in his own studio.

Henri Olivier in his own studio.

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