Stanley William Hayter or the metamorphosis lines

par Philippe  -  3 Mars 2017, 10:04

Stanley William Hayter or the metamorphosis lines

Exhibition at the Malmaison Art Center from December 10th 2016 to April 30th 2017, 47 La Croisette, 06400 Cannes, open everyday except Monday, from 10am to 13pm and from 2pm to 6pm, fee : 6 €, phone :


The Malmaison Art Center proposes an exhibition around the art work of the British artist and engraving specialist Stanley William Hayter. Borns the 24th of December 1901 in Hockney (London) he follows chemical studies and works for the Arabian - Iran Oil Company   During his free times he draw some cubist drawings but his artistic career begins clearly when he arrives in Paris. He follows drawing lessons at the Academy Julian an opens his own studio "The Atelier 17" (17 Campagne Perrier street in Paris). This studio isn't a Fine Art school but only a place where every artist takes what he really needs. Some artists (Picasso, Dali, Chagall, ...) meet them together around the engraving and create links with the modern art. At the same time Stanley William Hayter put new colors inside his painting process.

Stanley William Hayter "Gemini", "Unfolding", "Symetry art"
Stanley William Hayter "Gemini", "Unfolding", "Symetry art"
Stanley William Hayter "Gemini", "Unfolding", "Symetry art"

Stanley William Hayter "Gemini", "Unfolding", "Symetry art"

Stanley William Hayter was also a painter. He begins by following a figurative style but speedly he orientates his art style towards buildings made with strings and ropes for creating allusive, superposed, reduced and clean silhouettes. In 1940 he must leave the Europe because the nazis persecuted the modern artists. Stanley William Hayter will find a safe place in United - States of America. He will participate to some art conferences and open a new studio in New York City where like in Paris few years before the American underground artists will meet them together. During the 1950's he will open again his Parisian studio and will do some comings and endings between France and United - States. At the end of his life Stanley William Heyter will bring him back with the nature and will work on the color intensity and the painting gesture.

Stanley William Hayter "Perseides", "Pin", "Combat".
Stanley William Hayter "Perseides", "Pin", "Combat".
Stanley William Hayter "Perseides", "Pin", "Combat".

Stanley William Hayter "Perseides", "Pin", "Combat".

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