Diana Sands, the Broadway actress

par Philippe  -  15 Mai 2017, 08:19

Diana Sands, the Broadway actress

Born in New York City the 22nd of August 1934 and died in that city in September 1973 the theater actress Diana Sands has begun his career in 1959 with the play "Raisin in the sun" written by Lorraine Hansberry. She performed a young lady who wants to go to university for becoming doctor after receiving some money. This play will be adapted for the screen by the film director Daniel Petrie who will take all the actors of the play in the casting (Diana Sands, Sidney Poitier, Claudia MacNeil, Ruby Dee). Diana Sands will illustrate herself in some other plays like "Blues for Mister Charlie" from James Baldwin and "Saint Joan" from Georges Bernard Shaw where she performs the main character. Her theatrical career will be ended by the Jean Giraudoux play "Tiger at the gates". Diana Sands hasn't performed so much in movies except her part in a Blaxploitation movie "The Landlord" (1970) where she plays a woman who fall in love with a white guy.

From "Raisin in the sun" to "The Landlord" the artistic career of Diana Sands
From "Raisin in the sun" to "The Landlord" the artistic career of Diana Sands
From "Raisin in the sun" to "The Landlord" the artistic career of Diana Sands

From "Raisin in the sun" to "The Landlord" the artistic career of Diana Sands

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