While the trees sleep

par Philippe  -  1 Mai 2017, 07:57

While the trees sleep

Drama, short movie, directed by : Emilie Sabath, writing credits : Emilie Sabath, cast : Betsy Moore, Emilie Sabath, Adam McCall, Russ Boyer, Jamie Davies, cinematography : Meena Singh, music : Sage Lewis, film editing : Eileen Meyer, 15 mn, (2015).


This short movie describes the violent assassination of the white civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo the 25th of Mars 1965 in Selma (Alabama). Liuzzo has been murdered by an undercover FBI agent who belonged to the Klan. After this assassination the FBI has tried to destroy the Liuzzo reputation with fake informations. Today the name of Liuzzo is among the names written on the marble of the Washington DC civil right memorial. The film director interviews the murder wife for knowing her opinion about the murder committed by her husband. Does she blame him ?

Viola Liuzzo walking among the civil right activist, and, the Viola Liuzzo's car after her assassination
Viola Liuzzo walking among the civil right activist, and, the Viola Liuzzo's car after her assassination
Viola Liuzzo walking among the civil right activist, and, the Viola Liuzzo's car after her assassination

Viola Liuzzo walking among the civil right activist, and, the Viola Liuzzo's car after her assassination

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