Nice inside the history school
Exhibition from June 23rd to October 15th 2017 at the Masséna Museum, 65 rue de France, 06364 Nice, open everyday except Monday from 10am to 6pm, phone :
The Massena Museum explores since the fire invention until the pictures made by the french astronaut Thomas Pesquet the potent moments where Nice has met the history. This exploration shows us that some strong links exist between the past and the present in artistic, urban, and spiritual way. In 1966 few scientists discover in Terra Amata some pebble who have been used hundred thousand years ago for making fire. The domestication and the production of fire helps the human being for growing up. The fire can also be used in entertainment like the Dufy fire works or for the creation in the Arman, Klein and Dolla art work. But the fire means also the death like the July 14th 2015 killing on the Promenade des Anglais.
Cimiez, the Jacques Durandi retable and Goscinny and Uderzo "Le tour de Gaule d'Astérix" (1965)
The city of Nice inscribe his story in the meeting and the melting pot of the cultures. The Greeks establish the Nikaïa colony who belong to their colonies network around the Mediterranean sea. The Roman develop this colony and give it a new name : Camenelum (Cimiez). Around the Camenelum colony they build the Alpes Maritimae province whose the French department has kept the name. The catholic religion but also the other cults stay as the spiritual cement of this building. Some altarpiece, some paintings with religious patterns and a modern church show us that the artists inscribe their art work in this evolution.
King Victor - Amédée in Nice (1713), old map of Nice, Johnny Rove "Les noces de Gypsis et de Protis" (1879)
Nice shines also at the international level. During the 16th and the 18th century the city stays a point of controversy between the main European states. The French, the Austrian, the Piedmontese want to take the control of this strategic place and they never succeed to find an agreement together like in the Nice congress of 1538. Finally the Nice uniting with the France end this story but open another story : the tourism. At the beginning of the 18th century the British aristocrats where the first to frequent the French riviera. The Russians and the Germans follow this way. Progressively Nice is becoming a dynamic cosmopolitan city and this dynamism incite the politicians to imagine a new urban city.
Achille Clément "Les premières régates à Nice" (1879), le casino de la Jetée Promenade, Bernard Vivant "Bergasol" (1975)
Raoul Dufy, the promenade as motif. -
Exhibition at the Nice Museum of Fine - Arts, 33th avenue des Baumettes, 06000 Nice, the 12th of june until the 4th of october, open all the days except monday, to 10 am until 18pm, phone : ...
Lascaris Palace, the Art parties -
Exhibition in the Lascaris Palace, 15th street right (old city), 06000 Nice, open the 12th of june until the 4th of october, to 10am until 18pm, except thuersday, phone : The ...
Wonderful nature -
Nice Museum of archeology, 160 avenue des Arènes, 06000 Nice, open from 10am to 6pm between January 1rst to October 15th and open from 11am to 6pm between October 16th to December 31rst, phone : ...