POINT QUARTZ Flower of Kent exhibition

par Philippe  -  9 Juin 2017, 19:23

POINT QUARTZ Flower of Kent exhibition

Exhibition at the Villa Arson from June 4th to September 17th 2017, 20 avenue Stephen Liégeard, 06105 Nice Cedex 2, open everyday except Tuesday from 2pm to 6pm (2pm to 7pm in July - August), admission free.


The "POINT QUARTZ Flower of Kent" exhibition considers the ceramics as a medium who must be explore without any subjection to a know - how, without any preciosity or without any plinth. The exhibition designers Frederic Bauchet, Christelle Alin and Nina Campo have imagined an installation made with industrial white faience stick on a carpet and broken by the people walking. The designers have inspired themselves by the "Equivalent VIII" Carl Andre installation (1966) made with 120 bricks of patter's earth. When the visitors go in the squared gallery of the Villa Arson he fells the impression to walk on a snow field when the ground is broken under his foots.

John Creten, Bernard Dejonghe and Alsa Sahal installations.
John Creten, Bernard Dejonghe and Alsa Sahal installations.
John Creten, Bernard Dejonghe and Alsa Sahal installations.

John Creten, Bernard Dejonghe and Alsa Sahal installations.

Several installations of the art gallery art connected with the nature like the Johan Creten surf or the Carluy Etna eruption. The Ténéré meteorite (Bernard Dejonghe) and the Cristal (Elsa Sahal) translate some metamorphosis. The nature can also be founded in ruins put together (Sterling Ruby) or meanders who translate down tragedies (Lee). Some other installations deal with the motion picture. The  artist Gladys Clover uses the movie "It should happen to you" (1954) like Pascal Pinaud who show us the foot prints of the heroes of the Quentin Tarantino fllm "Django Unchained". The motion picture is present at the end in the yellow brick road from the wonderful wizard of Oz.

Pascal Pinaud, Sterling Ruby installations and the yellow brick road
Pascal Pinaud, Sterling Ruby installations and the yellow brick road
Pascal Pinaud, Sterling Ruby installations and the yellow brick road

Pascal Pinaud, Sterling Ruby installations and the yellow brick road

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