The Peu Festival, the Track

par Philippe  -  19 Juin 2017, 06:38

The Peu Festival, the Track

Festival from June 30th to July 16th, Bonson City Hall, Charles de Gaulle square, 437, 06830 Bonson, phone :


From June 30th to July 16th the city of Bonson welcomes the Peu Festival. This collaborative and involve festival gives the opportunity to the public to meet the artists. For celebrating the 15th anniversary of that festival the city of Bonson has invited fifteen artists : Philippe Besson, Izabella Dziepak, Faben, Alberto Garaibo, Jacques Godard, Stéphanie Hamel - Grain, Hola Hilmi - Hadeib, Lodh, Valérie Moroja, Jean - Louis Paquelin, César Piette, Isabelle Poilprez, Florian Schönerstedt, Renata Szyrocka, Bernard Toride, Monique Thibaudin. These artists will exhibit their own work and make some artistic performances. The music will also punctuate the event who will end by a big tombola. The purpose of that tombola is to win some masterpieces made by the artists for putting the art inside the houses.

Drawing by Izbella Dziepak.

Drawing by Izbella Dziepak.

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