Back to the peinture exhibition

par Philippe  -  20 Juillet 2017, 16:03

Back to the peinture exhibition

Exhibition from June 22nd to September 30th 2017 at the Station, Halle Sud du 109, 89 Turin street, 06300 Nice, open from Wednesday to Saturday from 1pm to 7pm except holidays, phone :


The "Back to the peinture" exhibition interrogates about the influence of the "Supports | Surfaces" group on the young french creation. The first "Supports | Surfaces" exhibition has happened in December 1967 inside the Ben shop Tonduti street with Noël Dolla, Patrick Saytour, Louis Cane and Claude Viallat. The rules of the group has been established in 1969 during an exhibition at the Havre Museum entitled "Question about painting". "Supports | Surfaces" reject the painting interpretation based on the painter biography and the art history. The group focuses itself on the main elements of the painting (the support and the surface) and analyze them in a critical way. The group will dissolve itself the 14th of June 1971 in Nice.

Tom Gampieri "La cotte de maille est une cage de Faradet" (2016)

Tom Gampieri "La cotte de maille est une cage de Faradet" (2016)

During two years (1969 - 1971) the group hes interrogated the painting and now this interrogations follow today. But the artists who belong to the young french creation want to actualize these interrogations. The old Noël Dolla assistant Dominique Figarella put the creative process among the main elements of the painting (supports, surfaces) and belongs also a kind of leader. The creative process can also be find in the Yann Gestberger art work when he introduce Internet iconography or when Virginie Hervieu - Monnet uses the gravity. the young french artists twist the usual objects or ancestral know - how for interrogating the painting but their work is less radical than their elders.

Yann Gerstberger "Landvet Manmanw" (2016), "Dead Fly" (2017)
Yann Gerstberger "Landvet Manmanw" (2016), "Dead Fly" (2017)

Yann Gerstberger "Landvet Manmanw" (2016), "Dead Fly" (2017)

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