Picasso Primitive

par Philippe  -  8 Juillet 2017, 09:38

Picasso Primitive

Exhibition until July 2 at the Quai Branly Museum, open everyday except Monday from 11am to 9pm, 37 Quai Branly, 75007 Paris, fee : 10 €, phone :


The exhibition at the Quai Branly Museum show us the influence of the African Art on the Picasso art work. When Picasso arrives in Paris in 1900 he meets some artists who are attracted by non occidental art. This movement has been initiated by the painter Paul Cezanne. He has the purpose to create a new painting space distinct from the real and he began to interest himself with non occidental art. Picasso begins to be initiated by the painter Georges Braque. Braque also looked for new skylines and he has bought some Tsago and Fang masks from a mariner for a law price.

Pablo Picasso "Les demoiselles d'Avignon" (1907)
Pablo Picasso "Les demoiselles d'Avignon" (1907)

Pablo Picasso "Les demoiselles d'Avignon" (1907)

Picasso will definitively integrate African Art in his art work after a diner in Henri Matisse house. Picasso stays here with Guillaume Appolinaire and Max Jacob when Matisse shows him an African statue. Picasso look at it attentively and begins to make some sketches when he goes back home. During his African period (1907 - 1909) Picasso uses the African Art for showing the body as object of desire or of fear and he let his imagination being free. The influence of the African Art can be see inside the faces of two women inside the famous painting "Les demoiselles d'Avignon" (1907).

The influence of the African Art in the Picasso painting.
The influence of the African Art in the Picasso painting.
The influence of the African Art in the Picasso painting.

The influence of the African Art in the Picasso painting.

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