The Borderline exhibition

par Philippe  -  31 Juillet 2017, 08:34

The Borderline exhibition

Exhibition from May 5th to September 30th at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, open from 10am to 6pm (January, February, Mars, October, November, December), from 10am to 7pm (April, May, June, September) and from 9.30am to 8pm (July, August), Saint - Martin avenue, 98000 Monaco, phone : (00377), fee = adults (11€), students (7€), children (5€).


The French artist Philip Pasqua who lives and works in Portugal exhibits until the end of September his own sculptures who deal with the limit concept. This exhibition is the result of a meeting between the artist and the oceanographic museum director Robert Calcagno with the purpose to sensitize the humanity about the future of the oceans. Philip Pasqua let his sensibility being free toward his sculptures made with wood, aluminum, bronze and stainless for creating big size sculpture like this whale of eighteen meters or this ten ton shark. The Pasqua sculptures concern and touch deeply the visitor by their realism and high degree of precision. Their explore the flesh and the bones and oppose the danger and the sensibility and the speed and the immobility. After the Monaco exhibition the Philippe Pasqua sculptures will be exhibited in some other museums all over the world.

A Philip Pasqua sculpture

A Philip Pasqua sculpture

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