The Surface of the East Coast from Nice to New - York

par Philippe  -  17 Juillet 2017, 07:40

The Surface of the East Coast from Nice to New - York

Exhibition at the 109 from June 23rd to October 15th 2017, open from Thursday to Saturday from 1pm to 6pm except holidays, 89 Turin street, 06300 Nice, phone :


The "Supports | Surfaces" group is exhibited for the first time in December 1967 at the exhibition "Le hall des remises en causes" organized by Ben. "Supports | Surfaces" concentrate itself on the essential of the art work : the support (the stretcher) and the surface (the canvas). Involved in some politic controversies the group interrogate the deconstruction and the reconstruction concepts. The "Supports | Surfaces" group introduce his theory during the 1969 exhibition entitled "la peinture en question" at the Havre Museum. Composed by strong personalities the group dissolve itself June 14th 1971 at the Nice Theater.

Pierre - André Armal "Frissage" (1968), Patrick Saytour "Déployé" (1971), Vivian Isnard "sans titre" (1975)
Pierre - André Armal "Frissage" (1968), Patrick Saytour "Déployé" (1971), Vivian Isnard "sans titre" (1975)
Pierre - André Armal "Frissage" (1968), Patrick Saytour "Déployé" (1971), Vivian Isnard "sans titre" (1975)

Pierre - André Armal "Frissage" (1968), Patrick Saytour "Déployé" (1971), Vivian Isnard "sans titre" (1975)

During the 2000's the artists from New - York inspire themselves by the "Supports | Surfaces" theory. The political and economic situation of New - York City at this time is different from the context of France during the 1960's but these artists use the construction and the deconstruction like their elders with some differences. They follow the same searches about the Support (stretchers broken and reconstructed, raw matter) but they introduce historical sources in spite of the fact that the original members of "Supports | Surfaces" reject this type of sources.

Justin Adian "Either Wrager" (2015), Joel Bradley "Turner" (2009), Joseph Adien "Almost micro" (2015)
Justin Adian "Either Wrager" (2015), Joel Bradley "Turner" (2009), Joseph Adien "Almost micro" (2015)
Justin Adian "Either Wrager" (2015), Joel Bradley "Turner" (2009), Joseph Adien "Almost micro" (2015)

Justin Adian "Either Wrager" (2015), Joel Bradley "Turner" (2009), Joseph Adien "Almost micro" (2015)

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