Wulu (movie)

par Philippe  -  2 Octobre 2017, 09:16

Wulu (movie)

Drama, directed by : Daouda Coulibaly, written by : Daouda Coulibaly, cast : Ibrahim Koma, Inna Modja, Quim Gutierrez, Olivier Rabourdin, Ndiaye Ismaël, Habib Dembélé, Jean - Marie Traoré, Ndiaye Mariame, produced by : Eric Névé, Oumar Sy, Marie - Noëlle Hauville, Delphine Passant, musique : Eric Neveu, cinematography : Pierre Milon, 95 mn, (2016).


"Wulu" (dog in Bambara) speaks about the initiatory rite of passage who permit to a young man to become an initiate inside a secret Malian society. The film director Daouda Coulibaly inspires himself by the film "Scarface" directed by Brian de Palma (1983) for filming the apprenticeship of a young Malian Ladji in the contemporary Mali. Like Tony Montana the Brian de Palma heroe he grows up the social scale by making drug dealing but contrary to Montana the young Ladji doesn't try to realize a dream because he just wants to survive. For realizing his movie Daouda Coulibaly has inspired himself with the landing of a Boeing full of drug in the North of the Mali in 2009 who has revealed the importance of drug dealing in Mali.

Inna Modja the young Ladji sister

Inna Modja the young Ladji sister

Ladji works as auxiliary bus driver and he must become bus driver but he didn't succeed to have the job. Without any job Ladji finds again a friend who works inside a structure involving in drug dealing. For growing up the different steps in drug dealing Ladji must work with different participants : the Venezuelan exporters and the Malians and the Guineans importers. In Bamako Ladji frequents the leaders and those who work for the leaders. In Guinea he uses the instability after a coup for developing his own business. In the North of the Mali Ladji deals drug with the djihadists but in each step of his growing Ladji must renounce to a part of his humanity and see his nearest or his sister being kill.

The young Ladji.

The young Ladji.

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