Deposite and future reporting

par Philippe  -  11 Décembre 2017, 21:28

Deposite and future reporting

Exhibition from November 11, 2017 to January, 28 2018 at the Nice Archeological Museum, 160 avenue des Arènes de Cimiez, 06000 Nice, open every days from 10am to 6pm, phone :


Since a long time Olivier Garcin and the crew of the Archeological Museum of Nice feel the same interest about vestige of the past. This artist confronts his own way of making with th technical used in archeology (excavation, classification) for anticipating what could be the archeology of the future. This dialog show the deep links that exist between art and archeology for questioning the past and the present and for imagine the future.

Archeology and artistic performance
Archeology and artistic performance
Archeology and artistic performance

Archeology and artistic performance

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