Jean Gilletta and the French Riviera

par Philippe  -  23 Décembre 2017, 08:20

Jean Gilletta and the French Riviera

Exhibition from November 17, 2017 to Mars 5, 2018 at the Massena Museum, open every days except Thursdays from 11am to 6pm, 65 street of France, 06000n Nice, phone :


The art work of the self educated photographer Jean Gilletta includes the period of times between 1880 to 1930. In 1887 Stephen Liegeard writes a book entitled "the French Riviera" where he promotes the climate and the landscapes of this place. This name will become the name of the coast from Saint - Tropez to the border between France and Italy. Jean Gilletta reads this book and decides to photograph the French Riviera peoples, cities and landscapes with his camera. He uses his own motorcycle for following the roads and the paths of the littoral and the mountains. In 1880 he opens his publishing house and printed post cards. Today some of Jean Gilletta pictures are kept inside the French National Archives and the publishing house belongs now to the Nice Matin press group.



The Nice carnival, the casino municipal and the Monaco harbor photographed by Jean Gilletta
The Nice carnival, the casino municipal and the Monaco harbor photographed by Jean Gilletta
The Nice carnival, the casino municipal and the Monaco harbor photographed by Jean Gilletta

The Nice carnival, the casino municipal and the Monaco harbor photographed by Jean Gilletta

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