Liz Magor exhibition

par Philippe  -  16 Décembre 2017, 09:15

Liz Magor exhibition

Exhibition at the Mamac from November 18, 2017 to May 13, 2018, open every days except Mondays, from 11am to 6pm, closed December 25, January 1rst, Eastern Sunday and May 1rst, phone :, ticket full price : 10 €,


Initially the Liz Magor exhibition disturbs the visitor because he finds himself face to face with a content of a warehouse. But the accumulation of such objects represent all the Liz Magor art work. She appropriates herself the real and diverts it for understanding better the meaning of the objects. For Liz Magor the objects translate the refinement and the sensuality and is connected with the care ideology. The objects reconstitute also their owners stories because they hold an important anthropological and social part. These stories show that the objects stay fragile and their value depend of their owners. When they are fed up of the objects they throw them away.

Liz Magor "Sweet Air" (2016), "Whisper" (2016), "Warehouse" (2017)
Liz Magor "Sweet Air" (2016), "Whisper" (2016), "Warehouse" (2017)
Liz Magor "Sweet Air" (2016), "Whisper" (2016), "Warehouse" (2017)
Liz Magor "Sweet Air" (2016), "Whisper" (2016), "Warehouse" (2017)

Liz Magor "Sweet Air" (2016), "Whisper" (2016), "Warehouse" (2017)

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