Guy Rottier, archives of the future
Exhibition at the Nice Town Planning and Architecture Forum, the 109, 89 Turin street, 06000 Nice, open from Monday to Friday, from 1pm to 5pm, phone :, admission free.
The architect Guy Rottier takes by surprise but never let indifferent because his art work mixes inventiveness and viability. Born at Sumatra in 1922 he arrives on the French Riviera ten years later. After following studies as engineer Guy Rottier meets the famous architect Le Corbusier and integrate the team who has build the Cité Radieuse of Marseille. He will multiply since that time the most extravagant projects built with serious and humor. The Guy Rottier art work adapt itself to the mass consumption society and the development of the tourism with the purpose to economize the materials.
Guy Rottier "Villa Arman" (le bidonville), "Maison de vacances volante" (1964)
Guy Rottier doesn't like the rules and specially the rules who lead architecture and he never hesitate to fight against all of the conservatism. In reaction of a rejection from the landscape committee he invents the concept of buried house. This concept twist the land architecture for adapting it to the period of time. Guy Rottier belongs to the IGAP (International Group Architecture Prospective) whose the purpose is to create a link between searchers. He will also develop surveys about under sea architecture inside the Conspiratifs Group.
Guy Rottier (with Reiser) "Architecture de recherche" (1980), "Village de vacances en carton" (1968)
Guy Rottier will express at the end an original conception of the ecology. He proclaim to make buildings influenced by a period of time and not to an area style because he thinks that any predetermined style exist anymore. But he respects the beauty of the landscape by hiding sometimes his buildings. Guy Rottier regret the non using sun energy possibilities. In 1972 he proposes the "Ecopolis" project where each houses and each buildings are made for the everybody heating and lightening needs.
Guy Rottier "Ecopolis project" (1972)
Christo and Jeanne - Claude at the Maeght Foundation -
Exhibition at the Maeght Foundation from June 4, 2016 to November 27, 2016, open everydays from 10am to 6pm (October - June) and from 10am to 7pm (July - September), Fondation Maeght, 06570 Saint -
Yona Friedman, Improvised prototype as cloud type -
Exhibition at the art gallery des Ponchettes from July 9, 2016 to January 8, 2017, 77 quai des Etats - Unis, 06000 Nice, open everyday except Monday from 10am to 6pm, Since 1948 the architect Yona ...
Noël Dolla, Spatials Restructurations -
Exhibition from June 23rd to October 15th at the Ponchettes art gallery, 77 quai des Etats - Unis, 06364, open everyday except Monday from 10am to 6pm, phone : The members of the ...
Le 109 | Pôle de cultures contemporaines à Nice - Site officiel
Site officiel du 109 : Découvrez toute la programmation des événements et expositions au 109, pôle de cultures contemporaines à Nice.