LAB #2, Out of categories

par Philippe  -  2 Mars 2018, 10:27

LAB #2, Out of categories

Exhibition from January 26 to Mars 18, 2018 at the NMNM (Villa Sauber), open every days from 10am to 6pm, except May 1rst, November 19, December 25, 17 Princess Grace Avenue, 98000 Monaco, entrance : 6€.


The LAB #1 and #2 experiences have the purpose to put together the visitor and the museum for inciting him promoting the culture out of the museum. In 2016 the LAB #1 experience exhibits the culture jobs and now the LAB #2  experience try to be free from the cultural definitions for arising curiosity and interest among the people. Five artists who reject the cultural categories question the museum notion for creating the museum o the future. Exhibiting involves to control some data ( humidity, light, ...) like Berger and Berger architects say for showing better the story of this place (Patrick Corillon). Exhibiting must incite us to dream (Denis Mc Donald) for promoting the living (Michel Blazy).

Felix Dol Maillot art work.

Felix Dol Maillot art work.

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