Nikolaus Gansterer, Con - notations exhibition
Exhibition from Mars 10 to May 27, 2018 at the Villa Arson, 20 Stephen Liegeard Avenue, 06105 Nice, open every days except Thursday from 2pm to 6pm, closed May 1rst, admission free, phone :
Nikolaus Gansterer estimates that drawing isn't something neutral but helps to communicate with time, space and imagination. Nikolaus Gansterer dives himself in a state near meditation before working for discovering his inner personality by fixing his mind to the how. With this experience he finds the way for working and the tools he need ("Wall of How - ness"). Nikolaus Gansterer gives a huge importance to meditation for opening his mind ("Choreo - graphic Figure Diagram") and building his artistic project ("The Invisible Skeleton of an Atmosphere") but meditation stays as a fragile state who can be broken every time ("Untertagüberbau").
The meditation helps Nikolaus Gansterer to develop his sensibility with the evironnement around him. After meditating he concentrates himself more efficiently and understands deeply the topic ("Shifting Focus"). Nikolaus Gansterer increases all the potentialities given by the topic ("Objects Yet to become"). For making that he takes informations from the outside (body, ears, skin) but meditation offers him a new level the inner of the body known by the scientists with X Rays, ultra sons, lasers ("Maps of Bodying"). The purpose of Nikolaus Gansterer isn't only creating but he questions also the atmosphere, the ambiance, the feelings and the place ("Contingent Agencies").
Nikolaus Gansterer underlines the part playing by the elements he catches, translates and introduces again. He doesn't want to be like a tourist but he prefers to find tracks for understanding the hidden and the visible story of the place. Nikolaus Gansterer begins by a quest of patterns (strings, herbs, garbage) ("Archives of found land") he will integrate inside his art work for explaining us our way of living ("Figures of thought"). Nikolaus Gansterer uses also sketch books in which he draws his visual impressions made during his foreign trips. He highlights all the steps of the fleeting moments he lives ("Am Zug / Training").
Anthony McCall, leaving with two - minutes silence exhibition -
Exhibition at the Carrée gallery (Villa Arson) from October 15, 2017 to January 7, 2018, 20 avenue Stephen Liégeard, 06105 Nice, Cedex 2, open every day except Thursday from 2pm to 6pm, admission...
Eglé Vismanté -
Accrochage temporaire à la Villa Arson, 20 avenue Stephen Liégeard, 06105 Nice, Cedex 2, ouverte tous les jours de 14h à 18h sauf le mardi, tél. :, entrée libre. La Francis Baco...
Inventors of adventures -
Exhibition at the Villa Arson from October 15, 2017 to January 7, 2018, 20 avenue Stephen Liégeard, 06105 Nice, Cedex 2, open every days from 2pm to 6pm except Thursday, admission free, closed ...