Ordinary days in China

par Philippe  -  2 Avril 2018, 07:36

Ordinary days in China

Exhibition at the Art Gallery of the Photography Museum until June 10, 2018, 1 Gautier square, 06369 Nice, Cedex 4, open every days from 10am to 6pm except Mondays and some holidays, phone :, ticket : 10 €.


The photographer Thierry Girard has always looked for his own way of living. After following studies at the famous Science - Po school he decides to initiate himself with photography by using a Leica. Shooting wasn't a full time job for Thierry Girard at this time but it will becomes it definitively during the 1970's. Thierry Girard doesn't want to be like the others Science - Po students and when he finishes his own military service he chooses photography. He begins by shooting the London streets and the landscapes around this city. The today exhibition show us the Thierry Girard work's in Hangzhou (China) who is a well known artistic center. He follows the urban maze (gardens, parks, houses, ...) for underlining the living or static people life.

Thierry Girard "Ordinary days in China"

Thierry Girard "Ordinary days in China"

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