Raymond Depardon, Shortcut

par Philippe  -  16 Juin 2018, 12:47

Raymond Depardon, Shortcut

Exhibition at the Lympia Space from April 7th to September 16th 2018, harbor of Nice, open from Wednesday to Saturday from 2pm to 7pm and Sunday from 10am to 12am and from 2pm to 7pm, closed Monday and Thursday, 62 Stalingrad boulevard, 06300 Nice, tél. :


The exhibition at the Lympia Space deals with the Raymond Depardon artistic career towards 100 pictures. Depardon follows the foot steps of Walter Ewan and Robert Franck who belong to the American picture school. They claim their own subjectivity and their will to underline the importance of the watch when they walk without any purpose in the streets. Depardon mixes pictures and texts written at the first singular person who translate a journalistic and autobiographical point of view and the difficulty to find himself. This picture school stays in opposite of the European school who have a more humanist approach even if it is difficult to make a distinction between the both.

Raymond Depardon picture.

Raymond Depardon picture.

Raymond Depardon begins modestly his artistic career by working as apprentice with a professional photographer and by creating a photographic laboratory inside the house of his parents in Geret. After that Raymond Depardon will work for a found several famous photographic agencies. With Delmas agency (1960) and Magnum agency (1978) he will cover the war in Algeria or in Afghanistan and directs some documentaries about peasants and justice. With the Gamma photographic agency he has created with Gilles Caron he will direct famous documentaries like "Jan Palach" (1969), "1974, une partie de campagne" about the French presidential election and "Numéro zéro" about the Claude Perdriel tycoon. We must notice that the two last documentaries have been censored for a long time.

Raymond Depardon picture

Raymond Depardon picture

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