Lang and Baumann, Comfort #17

par Philippe  -  17 Juillet 2018, 06:43

Lang and Baumann, Comfort #17

Exposition du 30 juin au 29 septembre 2018 au 109 contemporary art gallery, 89 Turin street, 06000 Nice, phone :, admission free.


Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann work together on several kind of material for underlining the space possibilities. They begin by analyzing with meticulousness the exhibition place and after they will transform and shake the wills. With "Comfort #17" they inspire themselves by the special architecture of the Nice slaughterhouse for building an inflatable sculpture who will adapt itself and who will roll up itself around the pillars of the exhibition room. This sculpture pumped up by the old slaughterhouse generator can be seen inside but also outside the exhibition room. It helps to establish an equilibrium between the exhibition room and the city.



Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann "Comfort #17"
Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann "Comfort #17"
Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann "Comfort #17"

Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann "Comfort #17"

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