The golden treasures of the Pharaohs
2500 of goldsmith's art in the ancient Egypt, exhibition at the Grimaldi Forum from July 7th to September 9th, 10 avenue Princess Grace, 98.000 Monaco, open every days from 10am to 8pm and Thursday to 9pm, phone : +377., ticket : 11 €.
The exhibition at the Grimaldi Forum deals with two thousand years of Egyptian history from the first dynasties to the second period. The pieces exhibited (the Mykerinos triad, the Satathos Loumet crown, the Lahhetep mirror, the Ramses II bracelet) show us the main steps and the technical use for making jewels. The goldsmith crafts number has grew up in ancient Egypt because the country own many gold mines. An economic circle has been built from the minor to goldsmith, to scribe, to expedition leader until the Pharaoh. The goldsmith's made traditional jewels and jewels involved by taste or technical evolution. They have been also influenced by the discovery of foreign patterns or the granulation integration.
In the ancient Egypt society the women and the men hold jewels who look like signs of power, signs of richness or gift given by the Pharaoh. The jewel reinforces the protection of the body and gives the immortality. The Egyptian goldsmith's used several kind of colors and each color has is own meaning. The red of the coralline invokes the blood inside the body. The green deals with the landscape like the iconic papyrus or the youth. The blue inside the Lapus Lazuli tributes the gods hairs but gold plays a main part in the Pharaoh society. Gold owns an economic, a religious and a symbolic value.
From Chagall to Malévitch : The Revolution of the Avant - Garde -
Grimaldi Forum Monaco, 10th Princess Grace avenue, MC 98000 Monaco, open every day from 10 am to 8 pm, thursday evenings until 10 pm. The exposition inside the Grimaldi Forum speaks about a movement
Francis Bacon, Monaco and the french culture -
Exhibition from the 2nd of July to the 4th of September 2016 at the Grimaldi Forum, 10 avenue Princesse Grace, 98000 Monaco, open everyday from 10am to 8pm or 10pm on tuersdays. phone : +377 9999 ...
The Forbidden City at Monaco -
Exhibition from July 14th to September 10th 2017 at the Grimaldi Forum, open everyday from 10a to 8pm and Thursdays opening evenings until 10pm, 10 Princess Grace avenue, MC 98000 Monaco, phone : ...
Actualités Grimaldi Forum Monaco - Centre des Congrès et Centre Culturel de Monaco
Centre culturel, centre des congrès et lieu d'exposition éco-responsable, le Grimaldi Forum Monaco met à votre disposition ses 35 000 m2 pour vos événements et salons à Monaco.