The strange valley

par Philippe  -  10 Juillet 2018, 05:51

The strange valley

Exhibition of 27 young artists at the Villa Arson from July 1rst to September 16th 2018, 20 Stephen Liegeard avenue, 06000 Nice, open every days except Thursday from 2pm to 7pm (July - August) and 2pm to 6pm (September), Marine art Gallery, 59 quai des Etats - Unis, 06000 Nice, open every days except Monday from 2pm to 6pm , admission free.


Since they follow art studies at the Villa Arson the students have improved themselves in the the way of making art. The 2018 promotion has built a real artistic approach and an own identity towards the affirmation the students personalities. This approach can be poetical (Berezowska) or shaggy (Blomet - Mervelet). This approach can also be translated by sound (Bonanno) by the ambiance (Brun) or by music (Carpenter). Comic books universe (John Christ - Bertrand) with drawing (Deberre) help in this searching.

John Christ - Bertrand "Tom and Sam" (2017)

John Christ - Bertrand "Tom and Sam" (2017)

The 2018 promotion distinguishes itself by the dialog with the others. It involves physical sensations (Dirani) and helps may be to find his place (Gauthier). it can also be translated in frightened atmosphere (Brun) where the artist fixes the invisible (Barrois). This dialog helps in discovering unknown places (Bonanno) where the rhythm plays an important part (Berezowska) or where artist plays with stereotypes (Blomet - Mervelet). All the artists of the 2018 promotion have understood that the artist stays alone in front of his canvas and must express all his intelligence or sensibility on the canvas.

Ariioehau Michaud "Poumon d'acier" (2018)

Ariioehau Michaud "Poumon d'acier" (2018)

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